1. The 2011 season is done! We had a great last few weeks, with some crazy weather bouncing back and forth from cold and wet to hot and dry. That can make for some interesting fishing, but also gave Travis the chance to check out some brand new spots on Red Lake that I am sure he will be more than willing to share with everyone next season.
2. The 2011 Red Lake Walleye Fall Classic Tournament was held over Labor (or Labour for our fellow Canadians) Day weekend. Always an exciting time. We had some guests compete, who battled some tough weather and finished in the middle of the pack. The tournament overall had some really nice fish weighed in over the weekend. That is always encouraging to see those monster fish go back into the lake. Below are some pictures from the weigh-in from this year's tournament.
3. We had another really nice Smallmouth caught on Parker during the last few weeks of the season. Annie, pictured below, caught a 17.5' Smallmouth while Walleye fishing during her first trip to Eagle Falls Lodge.
4. After all the guests left, we stayed very busy closing up the camp. We had several nights dip down into the 20's and saw both snow and hail. Yuck-o! Pretty much means I need to high tail it out of here and head south....so we did. We are traveling through the Midwest and will officially started our double Illinois life tomorrow. (Just in time for the Packers vs Bears game).
5. I'll take this time to gloat on the fact that I managed to hold onto my big fish status between Travis and myself for the 2011 season. Lets just say the student may be surpassing the teacher. Anyway, we wanted to say thanks once again to everyone who came and stayed with us this summer. We had a great season and are already brainstorming on how to improve the lodge for next year.